Crate tx5_core

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  • :warning: This code is new and should not yet be considered secure for production use!

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License: MIT License: Apache-2.0


  • tx5 - - The main holochain tx5 webrtc networking crate integrating the other code in this monorepo.

Tx5 Support Crates


Holochain WebRTC p2p communication ecosystem core types.


  • Re-exported dependencies.
  • A couple crates that depend on tx5-core need to be able to write/verify files on system. Enable this file_check feature to provide that ability.
  • Tx5-signal wire-level protocol encoding utilities.
  • Websocket configuration constants.


  • Tx5 core error type.
  • Tx5 32-byte identifier.
  • Tx5 url.
  • Debugging unique identifier helper.


  • Extension trait to extract a name from a Tx5 core error type.

Type Definitions

  • Pinned, boxed, future type alias.
  • A specialized Result type for I/O operations.